Inclusive cities and quality of public services
Envisioning Translocality
Enabling Institutions
Enforcing Practices
Accessing and using public services can often be challenging for immigrants, presenting a barrier to their inclusion. The città-IN project aims to reduce the obstacles they encounter when accessing public services, particularly in accessing services related to schools, such as enrollment, consultation of registers, and request for canteen service. In the San Siro Milan neighborhood, the città-IN project intends to highlight these obstacles through the experimental application of Mediation Grammar, a service quality standard developed within the H2020 easyRights project focusing on three primary issues: linguistic accessibility, informational adequacy, and rights actualization of rights, leveraging user experience.
This intermediate service will serve two functions: 1) providing direct support to the school and families of students over the course of two academic years; 2) serving as an infrastructure for participant observations and interviews; it will also facilitate the development of a long-term scenario ensuring the sustainability of this interface in parallel with the efforts to improve the services by their providers.