

Enabling immigrants to easily know and exercise their rights


Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Action.

2020 - 2022
Social policies, work and welfare, Migration, Public sector innovation, migrants integration 
Research Areas
Framing Trajectories
Envisioning Translocality
Enabling Institutions
Enforcing Practices

The overarching objective of easyRights is to develop a co-creation eco-system in which different actors belonging to the local governance system can cooperate in increasing the quantity and quality of public (welfare) services available to immigrants.

The specific aims are to improve the current personalisation and contextualisation levels, empower the prospective beneficiaries of existing services in getting better access and fruition opportunities, and to engage Quadruple Helix stakeholders in joint, purposeful co-creation efforts, facilitated by the use of hackathons. An easyRights platform – with the twin meaning of “aggregation of local stakeholders” and “collection of online and offline services” – will be developed and deployed in four pilot locations (Birmingham, Larissa, Palermo and Valencia).

In so doing, easyRights can support immigrants in their search for responses to different needs, making them more autonomous – at least to some extent – from discretionary street level bureaucracies, saving time for both migrants and for social service staff and cutting costs for the public administration.

Migrants and Exercise of Rights: Obstacle or Resource?
City Pilots
Birmingham (UK), Larissa (GR), Malaga (SP), Palermo (IT)
CALL team
Grazia Concilio, Maryam Karimi

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