Navigating Barriers: città-IN at the 16th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC)
The 16th International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC) was held at the Business School of Bern, Switzerland, from 2-4 September. Maryam Karimi, DAStU, Ludovica Piergiovanni, and Giorgia Trasciani DIG, Tiresia Group, presented the project città-IN with a contribution on “Navigating Barriers: Immigrants Integration and Social Innovation in Urban Landscapes”. The paper focused on the role of Third Sector Organisations (TSOs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in the interface between immigrant families and the access to school services in the marginalised urban context of San Siro neighbourhood. Città-IN highlights that the network of local TSOs and CSOs is indeed crucial in filling the gaps left by public institutions and addressing the unmet needs of immigrant communities. Their involvement in the città-IN project allows to inform and potentially re-think together the access to existing services, based on user experiences