Call for Master thesis

We invite you to join our research lab for a stimulating thesis experience. Our lab is dedicated to exploring the multidimensional challenges and opportunities in urban planning and architecture, focusing on the following research pillars: Sustainability Transition; Scaling Mechanisms; Design-Enabled Innovation; Service Innovation; Culture-Led Urban Transformations; Civil Rights; Civic Hackathon; Societal Engagement; Digital Transformation; Governance and Policy Innovation; Urban Resilience; Democratic Participation; Strategic Planning; Decision-Making; Co-Design Public Services; Urban Transformations. 

By joining our lab, you can contribute to our research activities and collaborate with us. You can find some proposals of master thesis and list of the theses we supervised so far as follows.

Master Dissertation Proposals

Fostering Inclusivity and Integration by Improving Service Access and Quality

Explore critical aspects of inclusion and integration, particularly in the context of migration. Our project is dedicated to enhancing service accessibility and public amenities, empowering immigrants to exercise their fundamental rights. Prerequisites are Arabic proficiency for effective communication with the local Arabic-speaking community in Milan, enthusiasm for interdisciplinary collaboration, passion for research, and a grasp of Italian for navigating the community. Express your interest by sending your CV to

Breaking Barriers: Unveiling the Empowerment Gaps in Public Services for Immigrants

This thesis explores the Mediation Grammar developed in the easyRights project to measure user empowerment in public services for migrants. It examines testing methodologies in diverse contexts and addresses challenges immigrants face to improve service delivery, promote equal access to rights, and foster integration.

Digital Deliberative Innovations

Fostered by the spread of digital platforms and tools, deliberative innovations have multiplied Europe-wide. To what extent deliberative innovations are actually capable to generate change in public policies? And what role do digital technologies play in the development and dissemination of these innovations? We are looking for students who are interested in developing these topics starting from the analysis of the results of the Orbis Project.

The Role of Cultural Initiatives in Urban Regeneration

The role that cultural initiatives play in the creation of social impacts is gaining attention in cities also in relation to their capacity to enrich the value of urban regeneration policies and practices. The thesis should implement a comparative study of Italian cities by exploiting the outputs of the European project MESOC.

Supervised Theses

Right to the city, right to access education services: A Case Study of Schools in San Siro

Photo portrait of a young woman on a blue light background
Aliaksandra Rameika
Graduation April 2024
Supervisor Prof. Maryam Karimi

Design and supply services towards human rights: how to overcome the challenges for the realization of human rights through public services. 

Acelya Nilgun Balikci portrait photo
Acelya Nilgun Balikci
Graduation July 2022
Supervisor Prof. Grazia Concilio
Co-supervisor Dr. Maryam Karimi

The role of open source, spatial digital tools in improving participation in urban planning processes in Indian cities

Portrait of a young woman with black hairs
Arjama Mukherjee
Graduation April 2021
Supervisor Prof. Grazia Concilio
Co-supervisor Dr. Maryam Karimi

Towards Sustainable Landscapes: Exploring the role of art practices

Student Duanduan Ding
Supervisor Prof. Grazia Concilio
Co-supervisor Dr. Irene Bianchi