High-Level Policy Roundtable On the Future of Migrants Integration
On February 22, 2024, join us at the “High-Level Policy Roundtable On the Future of Migrants Integration” hosted by the European Commission in Brussels!
The event will gather representatives of member states, European Institutions, Agencies established by the European Commission, and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN).
Why attend:
The event will be briefed on the contents and potential uses and benefits of the Mediation Grammar (CWA 18014:2023), a measurement system of the experience and the degree of success of an immigrant interacting with a public body or agency, in the framework of EU and Member States reception, support, and integration policies and services addressing immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees.
The focus of measurement is set on the following gaps in the mediation of rights made possible by the service:
- linguistic accessibility for the non-natives;
- clarity and usability of the information provided to the immigrants;
- consideration of the existence of connections between the results to be achieved by the current interaction and additional rights/services to be enforced/accessed afterward.
Each of the three gaps is further articulated into specifications, which can be considered as variables to be controlled for during the provision of services (of any kind) to the immigrants.
Registration for onsite attendance is open until February 16, 2024. Here is the link: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/EasyRightsEVENT2024
Following the event online: For those unable to join in person, a live stream option is available online at this link: https://webcast.ec.europa.eu/easyrights-high-level-policy-roundtable-mediation-grammar-2024-02-22
Find more information on the easyrights website: https://www.easyrights.eu/highlevelpolicyroundtable2024