Augmenting participation, co-creation, trust and transparency in Deliberative Democracy at all scales


Horizon Europe

Democratic engagement and civic participation,  New participatory democracy models
Research Areas
Framing Trajectories
Envisioning Translocality
Enabling Institutions
Enforcing Practices

ORBIS addresses the profound lack of dialogue between citizens and policy making institutions by providing a theoretically sound and highly pragmatic socio-technical solution to enable the transition to a more inclusive, transparent and trustful Deliberative Democracy in Europe.

The project shapes and supports new democratic models that are developed through deliberative democracy processes; it follows a socio-constructive approach in which deliberative democracy is not a theory which prescribes new democratic practices and models, but rather the process through which we can collectively imagine and realize them.

ORBIS will deliver a sound methodology for deliberative participation and co-creation at scale, as well as novel AI-enhanced tools for deliberative participation across diverse settings. The project builds on cutting-edge AI tools and technologies to develop a sustainable digital solution, and bridges theories and technological solutions from the fields of political and social science, social innovation, Artificial Intelligence, argumentation and digital democracy.

The achievement of the project’s goal will be validated through six use cases addressing contemporary issues at different scales and settings, experimenting with different civic participation and deliberation models, and involving diverse types of stakeholders.

CALL team will support the coordination (under the Department of Design of Politecnico di Milano – resp. Francesca Rizzo), and will lead Task 3.1 (in charge of setting up the theoretical framework related to the scaling up of democratic innovations, and   Task 6.8 in charge of Pilots’ assessment.

City Pilots
Sydney, Seoul,  Berlin,  Tel Aviv, New York, London, Athens, Stockholm, Brussels, Milan, Western Greece.
CALL team
Grazia Concilio, Michelangelo Secchi, Anna Moro

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