MEasuring the SOcial impacts of Culture
Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Action
Envisioning Translocality
Enabling Institutions
Enforcing Practices
To capture the role of cultural actions as “drivers of change”, it is crucial to look beyond policy implementation and consider the effects of cultural strategies and initiatives on institutions and (urban) structures, as well as on practices, routines and behaviours. Also, an effort is needed to understand the factors enabling social value generation in and across cities and communities.
Starting from this premise, MESOC proposes and validates an innovative approach to capturing the societal impacts of cultural policies and practices in three domains: a) health and wellbeing, b) urban regeneration and c) social cohesion. To do so, MESOC develops a method for “transition-based” impact assessment.
As Leader of WP5 – City Pilots, CALL has contributed to the design of the analytical scheme, and to its testing within 11 European pilot cities. The activities focused on analysing the processes through which cultural initiatives emerged and were rooted in different contexts. In addition to looking at impacts, attention was paid to the variables affecting the capacity of both policymakers and cultural sector operators to contribute to individual and collective well-being, quality of public spaces and citizens’ participation and empowerment.