We launch the ORBIS Horizon Europe project

We launch the ORBIS Horizon Europe project

Published on
17 April 2023
Written by
Daniele Federico
Related projects

What is the actual impact of deliberative and participatory democracy experiments on public policy making?

How can we ensure that participatory democracy processes are actually reflexive, inclusive and informed?

What are the tools and technologies that can enable deliberative interactions between participants across different scales and contexts?

We are excited to announce the launch of #ORBIS, a new Horizon Europe Project coordinated by Politecnico di Milano.
ORBIS addresses the lack of dialogue between citizens and policy making institutions and aims at enabling the transition to a more inclusive, transparent and trustful Deliberative Democracy in Europe.
ORBIS will deliver a sound methodology for deliberative participation and co-creation at scale, as well as novel digital tools for deliberative participation across diverse settings.
ORBIS bridges theories and techniques from the fields of political and social science, social innovation, Artificial Intelligence, argumentation and digital democracy.

Black and white Infografic

The project encompasses six use cases of civic participation and deliberation models, addressing contemporary issues at different scales and settings, and involving diverse types of stakeholders.
CALL team will support the coordination (under the Department of Design), and will lead Task 3.1, in charge of setting up the theoretical framework r, and Task 6.8 in charge of Pilots’ assessment.

The team from DESIGN includes Francesca Rizzo, Ilaria Mariani.
The team from CALL/DAStUincludes: Grazia Concilio, Anna Moro, Michelangelo Secchi.

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