Irene at University Gabriele d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara
We are excited to share that Irene Bianchi recently completed a one-month Visiting Research stay at the University Gabriele d’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara. During this period, she had the privilege of working with an interdisciplinary team operating across the Department of Architecture and the Department of Neurosciences, under the guidance of Professor Pierluigi Sacco.

Her time there offered an invaluable opportunity to engage with a unique approach to sustainability transitions, focusing on the cognitive, emotional, and affective dimensions of change. Together with the research group, they began exploring innovative ways to assess the transformative potential of cultural and creative actions through the lens of radical sustainability. This collaboration aimed at imagining new evaluation tools and policy frameworks that could foster innovation and guide future action.

In addition to her involvement with the research team, which is preparing to launch a new Research Centre on Biobehavioural Arts and Culture for Health, Sustainability, and Social Cohesion (BACH), Irene also had the chance to connect with a vibrant new network dedicated to cutting-edge research on the intersections of cognitive processes, behaviour change, and environmental transitions.

This first exchange has already led to the development of an international research proposal on “transformative action for culture-led sustainability.” We look forward to seeing this collaboration flourish and open up new paths to tackle these pressing global challenges!