22 November 2024
9:30 am
Politecnico di Milano - Campus Leonardo

In the framework of the activity promoted by the new CRAFT Competence Centre of the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (Politecnico di Milano), Emanuele Belotti and Irene Bianchi have organised the first academic conference on Hip Hop Studies in Italy, ‘WELFARAP: hip hop as an anti-fragile welfare practice’, which will take place on Friday 22 November 2024, from 9.30 a.m., at the Leonardo da Vinci Campus. 

More than 25 guests, including artists, hip hop artists and intellectuals, researchers and social actors from Milan and various Italian cities, will take part in the five panels of the day to discuss the role that rap music and hip hop play within local welfare policies, through social activation paths e.g., in schools, penitentiary facilities, street education, neighbourhood centres.

The conference day will be followed at 9 p.m. by a hip hop evening at the Barrio’s aggregation centre, in the southern neighbourhood of Barona, with renowned guests and young rappers.