The easyRights Project at the Roundtable – Bridging Research and Policy
Today in Brussels, Grazia Concilio has presented the key findings of the easyRights Project at the Roundtable – Bridging Research and Policy Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe Shaping Migration Policy. The Roundtable has been organized by the European Commission to contribute to the next generation European Migration Policy with valuable evidences and lessons learnt collected by the most advanced or completed Horizon2020 projects.
The key message provided by Grazia Concilio to the Roundtable discussion includes:
- the important need by the European context for a wider Human Rights Literacy
- the relevance for services to enable migrants to excercise their rights easily.
The easyRights project contributed to these two topics by:
- the easyRights agent, a chatbot (developed in telegram environment) using the pathway generated by an AI tool reading administrative documents and integrated with vacabulary and pronunciation training modules;
- the Mediation Grammar, an early bud for service quality standard, is a collection of minimum requirements for enforcing the informational rights of foreign (non-EU) immigrants, asylum seekers, and refugees legally entitled to stay in the territory of a Member State of the European Union. It has been officially published on the webpage of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) as a CEN WS AGREEMENT.
Great discussion and, as usual, rich learning opportunity when many EU projects are together sharing experiences and results.
Thanks to Michalis MOSCHOVAKOS for organising this valuable event.
Many thanks to Hinano Spreafico for supporting us with the easyRights Project adventure still now one year after its end.