Creative Drivers for Sustainable Living Heritage Landscapes
Horizon Europe, New European Bauhaus – Shaping a greener and fairer way of life in creative and inclusive societies through Architecture, Design and Arts
Envisioning Translocality
Enabling Institutions
Enforcing Practices
PALIMPSEST takes inspiration from the original meaning of the Greek word παλίμψηστος (palimpsestos, ‘again’ + ‘scrape’), and adopts a re-writing perspective and grounds it on a living heritage approach. PALIMPSEST envisages regenerating the lost “sustainability wisdom” underlying the production of heritage landscapes through the activation of co-creation processes involving actors from the cultural and creative sectors, technical stakeholders and the civic society.
PALIMPSEST revolves around three pilots (Jerez de La Frontera, Lodz and Milan) with strong cultural identities, that are currently facing relevant environmental problems. PALIMPSEST brings architecture, design and art practices in dialogue with place-specific needs and broad systemic challenges to imagine new scenarios and experiment with innovative practices connecting human actions, landscape heritage and sustainability objectives. Such experiments will envision novel Landscape Scenarios aiming at producing dedicated Landscape Services, to be integrated in environmental-sensitive solutions.
PALIMPSEST is coordinated by the CALL Team. Also, CALL team is responsible for “Work Package 1 – Landscape as Palimpsest”, providing the conceptual coordinates of the whole Project, and “Work Package 6 – Coordination and Management”.