Horizon2020, Co-creation-02-2016
Envisioning Translocality
Enabling Institutions
Enforcing Practices
The overarching aim of the DESIGNSCAPES project is to exploit the generative potential of urban environments in the highest possible number of European Cities to encourage the uptake and further enhancement and up scaling of Design-enabled Innovations by existing enterprises, start-up companies, public authorities and agencies, and other urban stakeholders.
The focus is on applying design tools and methods, since this offers a systematic approach to conceive user-driven innovations.
DESIGNSCAPES aims to achieve a better uptake, further enhancement and up scaling, of Design-enabled Innovation in Europe, through direct financial support to flagship and innovation generating initiatives as well as a huge capacity building effort targeting\ multiple stakeholder groups (citizens, researchers, practitioners, innovators and policy makers). In doing so, the project will foster the linkages between research, policy and practice, while contributing in making Europe a global leader in the domain.
CALL was responsible for the DeI concept development and in charge of WP1 which activities were:
– Create a shared understanding of the concept of City’s Innovation Generation Capacity.
– Map existing networks and databases on Design enabled Innovation
– Develop a City Snap Shot profile, including barriers and enablers for DeI Generation, Generalisability, Scalability and Sustainability.
– The ontology and a catalog of Design enabled Innovations in selected cities that maps those Design enabled Innovation practices which can help to create an urban culture of innovation, and explores the interplay between single DeI initiatives and the dynamics and sustainability of the city as a whole.