Building Green and Climate Neutral City-Hubs
Horizon Europe
Envisioning Translocality
Enabling Institutions
Enforcing Practices
CLIMABOROUGH involves 26 partners (plus 2 affiliated entities) from 15 European Countries. It is an Innovation project designed to field test the ClimHubs, Climate Sandbox and Climate Service concepts within 12 European Cities engaged in their ecological and digital transition.
The project aims to enhance traditional urban and spatial planning approaches through data and knowledge based decision making, including climate services co-production for transitions, cross-city and cross-country pilot co-creation as well as the tactical use of public procurement of innovative solutions. The goal is not just to enhance an open set of tools leveraging climate transition in cities, but also to boost the exchange of experimental good practices, experiences and lessons learnt in this field, to help cities meet climate neutrality by 2050.
This will be achieved by the following expected results: (A) building ClimHubs of Cities and solution providers, (B) harnessing the collective intelligence of local stakeholders, (C) defining Climate Services, (D) field testing the Climate Sandbox concept, and (E) monitoring and assessing the progress in achieving those goals and in implementing a climate neutrality planning scheme.
CALL team leads the WP1 Urban Planning and Climate Neutrality Evaluation which is devoted to the development and testing of an urban planning framework to reduce the uncertainty of policy measures for climate adaptation and mitigation.
Andrea Arcidiacono, Stefano Salata, Silvia Ronchi (DAStU)