Intelligence of complex systems in urban and regional science
Dilemmas in AI supported planning and spatial agentivity
Over several decades and with an ever increasing role in recent years due to its impressive
technical advancements, AI operationalizes a useful perspective on theory and practice for complex systems in urban and regional science. In particular, by viewing cities as complex and knowledge entities, an AI perspective can be used to analyze and model in innovative ways.
The seminar discusses the intelligence of complex systems, both human and non-human, and explores the possible uses of AI and related tools for analysis and agentivity for complex systems. It goes beyond the discussion of mere technical matters to unfold the impliled political, social, and cultural issues.
LINK: https://politecnicomilano.webex.com/webappng/sites/politecnicomilano/dashboard/pmr/davide.ponzini
Dino Borri (Politecnico di Bari)
Carolina Pacchi (Politecnico di Milano)
Stefano Moroni ( Politecnico di Milano)
Seminar Series organized by Grazia Concilio, Davide Ponzini, Valeria Fedeli, Zachary Jones, and
Michelangelo Secchi