AI & Public Administration
AI being highlighted by many as a General Purpose Technology, potentially responsible for diffused improvements in productivity and economic growth rates, is also seen as an emerging opportunity for government transformation. The talk provides some insights into the potential benefits and risks associated with extensively introducing AI into public administration processes, framing the topic within the broader framework of PA impact assessment/measurement and bearing in mind the specificities of PA as a complex environment for innovation to materialise and permanently embed.
This seminar is part of the Smart City and Urban Innovation Course.
Webex link: https://politecnicomilano.webex.com/webappng/sites/politecnicomilano/dashboard/pmr/grazia.concilio
Francesco Molinari is an international researcher and policy advisor with 25 years of experience in EU funded projects on such topics as R&D policy, public procurement, digital innovation, living labs, smart cities, participatory government and governance, culture and creativity, regional development and smart specialisation.
Organized by:
Grazia Concilio
Valeria Fedeli
Abdallah Jreij
Davide Ponzini
Michelangelo Secchi